Appletree Appleslice V3 Wingfoil Board – Review

We have already been able to test the new Appletree Appleslice V3 Wingfoil Board with 70 litres extensively. From beginners to freestylers and wave enthusiasts, the V3 should suit everyone. It is available in seven different sizes from 40 litres to 100 litres.

Appletree Surfboards attaches particular importance to producing its boards as sustainably as possible. The boards are even certified with an eco-label.

On land

Narrower and longer, that’s the motto of the new Appletree Appleslice V3 board. In fact, the V3 measures three inches more than its predecessor in the same size and the shape has also changed significantly.

The underwater hull of the Appletree Appleslice V3 now resembles a small downwind board. Its nose is characterised by a strong V, which transitions into a plan to the tail. The only upturn is in the bow area. Its rails are very sharp on the entire board and end at the square tail in a 90° tear-off edge. The plan is not completely flat, as is usually the case, but slopes flat towards the rails on the sides.

Its US double box is now longer to offer even more variation possibilities. The number scale allows exact positioning of the foil.

As always with Appletree, the deck has a concave in the standing area where the comfortable pad is located. The mounting options for the footstraps have been extended once again. In addition to the options for a classic 2 or 3 straps setup, the rear strap can now be attached further out or even two straps can be attached.

As you would expect from Appletree, the workmanship of the Appletree Appleslice V3 is also very high quality. The board is built as a full carbon version. Inside is the so-called 50K foam, which is free of air pockets and can withstand very high loads (50 tonnes per m²). This core is used exclusively in Appletree boards. Due to the lack of air pockets, there is no need for a venting valve.

The Appletree Appleslice V3 weighs 5.4 kg (self-weighed).

On the water

The first ascent on the Appletree Appleslice V3 takes some getting used to due to the “long” nose and the narrow shape. However, you quickly warm up to the board.

The V3 takes off extremely quickly thanks to its long shape. The low-wind performance has improved noticeably compared to its predecessor.

When pumping, the board develops its own drive through the up and down movements, so that you really get out of the water very early and don’t have the feeling that the energy you’ve put in is fizzling out. Very pleasant!

Touch down and take-off behaviour are sensational. The Appletree Appleslice V3 glides easily on the water without really slowing down, only to take off again immediately afterwards. This is a great feature, especially in the waves.

Despite its length, the V3 is very agile. The board follows all impulses immediately. The “long” nose is not noticeable at all.

This agility continues when jumping. After landing, the board does not dive into the water at all, but continues to ride almost unhindered. When jumping 360s, the few extra inches are not even noticeable.


The mini downwind shape really works! Its pumping behaviour is really unparalleled for a compact board in this volume class. The Appletree Appleslice V3 gets going in really light winds.

The board cuts a fine figure in the waves as well as for freeriding and freestyle. It is also highly recommended for sporty beginners (with more volume, of course).

The narrow shape means that it is a little more wobbly when schlogging than wider boards. However, you are happy to accept this small drawback.

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