We want to show you a few wingfoil fitness exercises that you don’t need a gym for and that you can do almost anywhere. This will keep you fit even in winter and the sore muscles after your next Wingfoil session might not be quite so bad. 🙂
Shoulder crawl
Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Bend forward and place your hands on the floor. Your legs do not need to be stretched out. Now start to crawl across the floor with your hands away from your feet. When your hands are on the floor above your head, crawl back to the starting position in a controlled manner. If there is enough space, you can also return to the starting position with your feet. It is important that your back remains straight and that you do not arch your back.
This exercise primarily trains the entire core muscles and the shoulders. This creates a stable connection between the wing and the board.

Squats with 180° rotation
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower your upper body by pushing your hips back and bending your knees at the same time. It is important that your knees do not protrude over your toes. Keep your back straight and lower yourself down until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Then push yourself up dynamically into a jump and turn 180° before bending your knees again. Turn alternately to the left and right side.
Of course, this wingfoil fitness exercise primarily trains the leg muscles that we need for pumping. However, it also simulates cornering in an abstract form and therefore also trains the lateral core muscles.

Back pull on the sling trainer
You can get a sling trainer for as little as 15€ to 20€. Many even come with a plate so that you can clamp the sling trainer in a door without the need for a massive ceiling hook.
Grip the handles and lean back slightly. Your feet are about shoulder-width apart. Arms are long. Your body forms a straight line. Pull your upper body towards the handles by pulling your shoulder blades together and bending your elbows. Make sure that your spine remains straight and that you do not arch your back. Lower your body slowly and in a controlled manner to the starting position. The more acute the angle between your body and the floor in the starting position, the greater the effort required.
This exercise primarily targets the upper back and rear shoulders. Exactly the muscles we need to work with the wing and hold it.

Push-ups are an exercise that doesn’t really need any further explanation. From a plank position with outstretched arms, you lower your body and push it back up with your arms. Your hands are more than shoulder-width apart. To avoid injury, it is important that your body forms a straight line. Keep your back straight. Beginners can do the push-ups on their knees instead of on their feet and then slowly increase the intensity.
As a variation, you can also do push-ups on the sling trainer. Here too, the more acute the angle, the greater the effort required.
The exercise primarily trains the chest and shoulder muscles as well as the triceps and core. As we are the connection between the wing and the board, strong core muscles are desirable when wingfoiling. Push-ups are also a good balancing exercise to counteract the back muscles, which are put under a lot of strain when wingfoiling.

The most important tip at the end: have fun with wingfoil fitness. Every exercise takes you a step further and prevents injuries. So stay motivated, even if the water is frozen where you are. The next session is sure to come!
(We are not sports scientists! We have described the exercises to the best of our knowledge and belief. You train at your own risk).