BRM Parawing Trend Maui

The Parawing from BRM: Start of a New Era in Wingfoiling?

The world of wingfoiling is rapidly evolving, and with the introduction of the new Parawing from BRM (Board Riding Maui), we may be witnessing a pivotal moment in this sport’s development. Among wingfoilers in Maui, a genuine trend seems to be emerging.

But is the Parawing truly the start of a new era in wingfoiling, or is it just a niche innovation?

What is a Parawing?

The Parawing is essentially a small kite, more specifically a soft kite, that doesn’t rely on an inflatable tube. This design allows it to be set up and taken down – or rather, activated and deactivated – in a matter of seconds.

What Makes the Parawing So Special?

Unlike traditional wings, the Parawing features lines and a non-inflatable construction, which makes it incredibly lightweight. This construction not only reduces the overall weight but also enhances its flexibility. You can easily fold and unfold the wing on the water with just one hand, making it particularly appealing for downwinders. Additionally, the Parawing is easy to store, making it ideal for long trips and changing wind conditions.

The “catch-and-release” technique, which we find particularly interesting, is showcased in the following video:

The video shows the Parawing being used in strong winds, but on it’s website BRM offers this wing in various sizes – 1.8, 2.9, 4.0, 5.1, and 6.2 m – ensuring it can perform even in lighter winds.

Where is this Trend Heading?

In Maui, a hotspot for wingfoiling, this new technology is already gaining traction. Whether this trend will spread to other parts of the world remains to be seen, but the prospects are promising. The Parawing could indeed mark the beginning of a new era in wingfoiling – at least in the downwind and wave-riding niches.

What do you think? Will the Parawing influence your style? Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences with us!

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